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What Are the Major Causes of Congenital Anomalies?

congenital anomalies

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 303,000 newborns will die within just four weeks of their birth each year as a result of a congenital anomaly. Problems that arise during the fetus’s development in the womb can cause congenital anomalies. Malformations and birth defects are the other names for congenital anomalies. Congenital anomalies can directly contribute to a whole host of long-term disabilities. These disabilities can have a significant impact on the lives. But not only the lives of the children who are born with them, but also their families. Not to mention healthcare systems and even the wider community. But what are the major causes of congenital anomalies? And can we predict them before birth?

The Major Causes of Congenital Anomalies

WHO studies have found that a specific cause cannot be the sole reason for approximately 50 percent of all cases of birth defects. Despite this, there are particular risk factors that are in connection with congenital abnormalities.

congenital anomaly definitionGenetic Causes

Genetics play a critical role in many cases of birth defects. The belief is that the child inherits this through genes that code for an anomaly. Or, genes that suddenly changed. “Mutation” is another name for this phenomenon.

Parents who are related by blood (known as consanguinity) may also increase the likelihood of the child developing a birth defect, as consanguinity has been linked to the prevalence of rare genetic birth defects, intellectual disability, and neonatal and childbirth death.

Socioeconomic and Environmental Causes

Environmental factors also play a key role in the development of congenital abnormalities in the womb. It is estimated that 94-percent of severe forms of congenital abnormalities occur in countries with a predominantly low or middle income dominated society. Issues such as maternal age, maternal exposure to chemicals, alcohol or drugs, medications or radiation during pregnancy. All of them also seem to play a significant role in the possibility of the development of birth defects.

Infectious Causes

Maternal infections are the final major cause of congenital abnormalities in children. Infections such as Herpes, Zika, Syphilis, and Rubella are among the leading causes of fetus birth defects in the world. Infections resulting in birth defects are not isolated to the developing world. In fact, 10 percent of babies born in the United States with the Zika virus were born with birth defects according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Rossetti & DeVoto, PC is presently handling a case involving the herpes simplex virus that caused herpes encephalopathy and severe brain damage and quadriplegia to an infant who now is in need of lifetime care.

a congenital anomalyWas Your Child Born with a Birth Injury or Birth Defect?

If you are the parent of a child with a congenital abnormality, you should contact an experienced birth injury and cerebral palsy attorney today. In many cases, fetal genetic testing can predict congenital abnormalities. In addition to potential warning signs and symptoms present in the mom during her pregnancy. Mistakes are possible, and if not disclosed to you, they will result in your child not getting the proper care, treatment. And, lifetime services that he or she should receive to enhance their life.

If you haven’t gone through genetic testing yourself to see what you could potentially pass onto your child, you should do that. Therefore, you will then be aware and can give doctors a better chance of what they should be looking at. A DNA testing Alliance could be looked at for a personal test, otherwise talking to your doctor about where to go for one in your home state is an option.

The Law Offices of Rossetti & DeVoto, P.C. are a leading New Jersey and Pennsylvania birth injury firm. We’re here to help families who have children that suffered birth injuries. Both as a result of medical malpractice and obstetrical negligence. We work tirelessly for our clients. And, we will aggressively investigate all cases of congenital abnormalities. Of course, this also includes obtaining and scouring any and all medical records. We do this in order to determine if your child was the victim of medical or obstetrical malpractice or negligence.

If your child was born with a birth defect, please contact Rossetti & DeVoto today at (856) 354-0900 for a free, no-obligation consultation.

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Lou DeVoto and Andy Rossetti have been included in the New Jersey's Best Lawyers list for Personal Injury Litigation. This is the 16th year in a row that each attorney has been listed in the elite rankings.

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