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NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer: 5 Ways to Prevent NJ Motorcycle Crash Injuries

NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Having a motorcycle as your main source of transportation is an experience like no other. You never think that you will be involved in an accident while on your daily commute but for so many motorcycle riders across the country, that is a sad reality. In the majority of motorcycle accidents, the victim with the most severe injuries is the person riding the motorcycle.

As a motorcyclist, it is important to remember that you have the same rights as other drivers on the road. You should also do your part to prevent crash injuries. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident it is imperative to contact an NJ motorcycle accident lawyer to discuss your options.

Have the Right Gear

Having and wearing the right gear can go a long way if an accident does occur. Without a proper helmet, you may be more susceptible to suffering a traumatic brain injury if an accident occurs. You should replace our helmet every five years or if there is damage to it at any point. It should also be a Department of Transportation approved helmet.

Make Yourself Seen

The biggest issue that motorcycle riders have is being seen by other vehicles on the road. Many drivers are not paying attention or have blocked out smaller vehicles from their minds. The key is to wear bright colors so everyone can see you. Another trick is to place reflective elements on your bike and your gear. You should also dive in lanes or sections of lanes where you are most likely to be seen. If you are involved in an accident your NJ motorcycle accident lawyer will take all of this into consideration for your case.

Stay Alert at All Times

It can be easy to get so into the freedom of the open road but it is important to stay alert at all times. Other motorcyclists may not be as alert and it is common knowledge that texting and driving have become rampant all across the nation. You should also be aware of any potholes, sand, railroad tracks, and other hazards. Any of these elements can easily cause an accident leaving devastation in its wake.

Follow The Traffic Rules

You may be tempted to break traffic rules since you are on a smaller vehicle and can get into spaces that other vehicles on the road cannot. Do not break any traffic laws. Never speed as this plays a crucial role in all kinds of accidents on the road. You should also never drink and ride.

Beware of Bad Weather

Motorcycle riders have chosen motorcycles as their vehicle of choice and it typically involves enjoying the weather. However, the weather can also be a contributing factor to motorcycle accidents. If you are stuck in inclement weather, it is important to know how to handle these situations. Take a refresher course if necessary to know how to drive in the wind, rain, or any other kind of problematic weather.

Contact an NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

After an accident, it is important to contact an experienced NJ motorcycle accident lawyer. Call the team at Rossetti DeVoto, P.C., at 856-452-8721 today. We will fight vehemently for your right to compensation.

Lou and Andy listed in Best Lawyers

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Lou DeVoto and Andy Rossetti have been included in the New Jersey's Best Lawyers list for Personal Injury Litigation. This is the 16th year in a row that each attorney has been listed in the elite rankings.

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