More Than $1 Billion in verdicts and settlements



Is it Possible to Increase the Value of My Personal Injury Claim?

personal injury claims increase

Accidents happen when you least expect them.  And when that accident causes injuries, it is especially aggravating and disruptive to our normal lives.  That brings us to today’s topic. Let’s say you have suffered an injury due to someone’s negligence – perhaps it was a slip and fall injury, perhaps it was the result of a motor vehicle accident. You may ask yourself, “What is my personal injury claim worth?” Further, you may wonder, “Is personal injury claims increase possible?” Today, we answer those questions.  

What is My Personal Injury Claim Worth?

There are many factors that go into figuring out the value of a personal injury claim. Of course, to win your case and collect for your injuries, you must first prove your case. You can do this by showing that the party you are suing is responsible for your injuries. If the injuries are from a car accident, you must show that the other party was in some way negligent. And, that the negligence was a cause of your injuries.

The answer is probably not the one you want to hear. The truth is that “it depends” as no two cases are alike. And, there is no set amount for what a claim is worth. There is no schedule or book for the jury, the lawyers or the insurance company to look at to determine the value of a claim. Plain and simple, your personal injury claim is worth whatever a jury will award you at trial or whatever your lawyer can convince the insurance company to pay to settle your case rather than risk a trial.  

What is Our Job?

personal injury small claims limit increaseOur job as lawyers is to create as much leverage as we can in preparing your case to put you in the best position to win and win big at trial. That means making sure we do everything possible to prove all of the elements of your claim in an accurate and in easy to understand terms. We do this by making sure we immediately investigate the happening of the accident, obtain and preserve critical evidence, hire the best experts to establish negligent conduct and damages and understand how the injuries affect you so that all of your damages can be presented including pain and suffering, disability, lost wages, and outstanding medical bills. The talent and tenacity of the lawyers handling the case also play a key role in case value. Better trial presentations make for better and bigger verdicts.

Settlements occur when one or both parties want certainty as to the final terms rather than risking a jury decide their fate. As a result, settlement figures are mostly derived from what the parties believe or anticipate will or could happen at trial. We don’t just pull those numbers out of thin air. As a result, the track record of the lawyers handling the case most definitely factor that into any settlement offer. Let’s face it, if your lawyer has a track record of success at trial, then the insurance company will likely offer more to settle a claim against that lawyer than against one whose track record is not so hot. While the great majority of case ultimately settle, preparation and past trial results often drive those settlements.

Can I Increase the Value of My Claim?

You cannot increase the value of your claim directly. But there are many things you can do indirectly that affects the value of your claim. First, be honest and tell the truth at all times. Second, preserve any evidence from your case, including taking photographs or videos of anything relevant to the liability of damages. Third, conduct yourself as you would want someone else to act if you were judging them. Always be sincere and always do your best to overcome your injuries. Juries see right through people who exaggerate the effect of their injuries and they punish them accordingly. If you can work, then work. If you can perform certain activities, even if limited by your injuries, then, by all means, do so and be honest about it when asked. The jury will love you for it as will insurance adjusters and you will be rewarded accordingly.

Personal Injury Claim Lawyer

Of course, hiring the right lawyer with a track record of success is essential. If you have been injured in an accident, consult with the top-rated lawyers at Rossetti & DeVoto, P.C., New Jersey’s Personal Injury Law firm. Our attorneys can assist you through the whole process from start to finish, documenting your injuries and getting you full compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. At Rossetti & DeVoto, P.C. we fight for your rights and ensure you get the full compensation you deserve.  Call today for a free consultation (856) 354-0900.

Lou and Andy listed in Best Lawyers

Rossetti & DeVoto

Lou DeVoto and Andy Rossetti have been included in the New Jersey's Best Lawyers list for Personal Injury Litigation. This is the 16th year in a row that each attorney has been listed in the elite rankings.

Did you know . . .

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Rossetti & DeVoto, PC was included in the latest listing of the Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers by Martindale-Hubbell, a ranking of distinguished law firms in America. Fewer than 5% of all law firms are included in the Bar Register.

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